Chris McClelland, multiple award-winning short story writer and novelist, also sometime writing coach

Florida Literary Arts Alliance, Short Fiction Award National Veterans' Contest, Bronze Award for Fiction I am mainly a fiction writer, w...

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Monday, October 7, 2024

Blog #126; New Look; Free Books Available Soon; New Compact Collection TBD; Putting Out My Shingle as a Creative Writing Coach

 Welcome to the new look of the blog page!  Thanks to my ever-talented wife, Erin!  This look better reflects who I am and what I’m about.

In the next few days, we will have some free digital books available to gear up towards the holiday season.  If you’ve already bought and read the book (and liked it, I hope), consider buying copies for friends and family!  (or, during my specials, getting them for free)

Also, I have been having things published more online in the past year than in all others combined.  That means I have more stories to include in the latest compact collection, which I want to release before Christmas.  It is called, No More Tragic Kingdoms.  You can read the title story here:

Please keep in touch for more info about this release as matters develop!


Also, though I have rarely brought attention to it in the past on this blog, I have many years (decades) creative writing teaching experience (college level creative writing courses, workshops with other writers and editors, and one-on-one consulting work).  If you are interested in bringing your stories, poetry, etc. to the next level and are ready to put my extensive experience to work for you, please contact me at

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