Chris McClelland, multiple award-winning short story writer and novelist, also sometime writing coach

Florida Literary Arts Alliance, Short Fiction Award National Veterans' Contest, Bronze Award for Fiction I am mainly a fiction writer, w...

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Blog #120; Olympic Swimming Book (digital) discounted price for a LIMITED TIME

 LET THE GAMES BEGIN!  Now that the 2024 Paris Olympics have officially begun, let me encourage you to buy my collection of short stories put out a while ago, based on an essay about my time training with Olympic swimmers leading up to the 1984 games in LA.  I didn’t qualify for the Olympic team, but had a lot of fun training and making friends with the swimmers at the University of Florida that year.  The lead essay gives an insider’s look into what it is like to swim on that level, where every day your performance is pushed beyond maximum.


I can’t make the digital copies of this book of stories mostly related to competitive swimming free like I'd like to,  or any price lower than .99 cents per copy, but if I could I would give them away for free as I sometimes have in the past.  Still, less than a dollar a copy isn’t asking much for a solid set of stories about swimming in this season of Olympic competition.


Also, if you just want a taste of my swimming-related writing, try this link to an article I had in SwimSwam that eventually made it into the book, “Swimming Among the Olympians”.  Click below to go to that essay.


And to get the digital book for .99, go to the following link—


Keep checking back for new chapters of James R. Irish-American Civil War story, and as I continue to publish poetry, fiction and nonfiction, I will let you know...

Enjoy the Paris games, and keep swimming!


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Blog #119; Amazon book giveaways (digital version)

 My novel In Love and War will be available for a free digital version July 4-5, 2024 and my short story collection, Physician, Heal Thyself will be available for a free digital version on July 2-5. 2024. I hope you will enjoy both this holiday!

