Chris McClelland, multiple award-winning short story writer and novelist, also sometime writing coach

Florida Literary Arts Alliance, Short Fiction Award National Veterans' Contest, Bronze Award for Fiction I am mainly a fiction writer, w...

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Monday, October 7, 2024

Blog #126; New Look; Free Books Available Soon; New Compact Collection TBD; Putting Out My Shingle as a Creative Writing Coach

 Welcome to the new look of the blog page!  Thanks to my ever-talented wife, Erin!  This look better reflects who I am and what I’m about.

In the next few days, we will have some free digital books available to gear up towards the holiday season.  If you’ve already bought and read the book (and liked it, I hope), consider buying copies for friends and family!  (or, during my specials, getting them for free)

Also, I have been having things published more online in the past year than in all others combined.  That means I have more stories to include in the latest compact collection, which I want to release before Christmas.  It is called, No More Tragic Kingdoms.  You can read the title story here:

Please keep in touch for more info about this release as matters develop!


Also, though I have rarely brought attention to it in the past on this blog, I have many years (decades) creative writing teaching experience (college level creative writing courses, workshops with other writers and editors, and one-on-one consulting work).  If you are interested in bringing your stories, poetry, etc. to the next level and are ready to put my extensive experience to work for you, please contact me at

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Blog #125; Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea Re-considered

I am currently re-reading that 20th C. classic, The Old Man and the Sea and plumbing the depths of the old master’s talent.  When a young man studying creative writing in Paris in the 1920s, the author famously said he wanted his readers, after finishing a book of his, to not be able to distinguish Hemingway’s well-crafted depictions and “felt-life” or an actual memory of a true experience.  Hemingway achieves this by painstaking selection of imagery (ie, description that appeals to the five senses).


While the old man is sailing the currents of the Caribbean outside Havana, Hemingway strategically places the reader right in the environment and experience.  The monumental fight with the marlin, the taste of the salt spray of the ocean water, the heat of the sun beating his exposed back, the ache of the muscles well past the point of failure.  Hemingway expresses the experience as only he can, and the reader’s experience of life is all the richer for it.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Blog #124; Notes on—Historical Fiction; the writing process; short v. long form; Hemingway’s The Old Man an

Blog #124; Notes on—Historical Fiction; the writing process; short v. long form; Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea;


“History is a nightmare from which I am struggling to wake from”—James Joyce


The above quote has the challenge implicit in every thoughtful historical fiction work: how to make old questions fresh for the present generation.  As a high-level staff officer in Gen. Patton’s 3rd Army in 1945, Hyrum Fratelli (and we as readers) will be given a front row seat to the discoveries of the atrocities of Hitler and his death camps.  As a novelist in media res creating A Contrite Spirit, I am still searching for guidance in how to proceed here.  If only Willie appeared to me as the author.  But no.  Willie is Hyrum’s fictional spirit counselor and that is probably how I will go forward.  What light can Willie shed on the situation, if any?  How will Hyrum, and subsequently, the rest of the Fratellis react?  Time will tell.


Short Fiction and Poems

The late award-winning short story writer and poet Philip Deaver (Silent RetreatsForty Martyrs) once told me the short forms of the short story and poem and the making of them had much more in common with each other than the longer fictional works.  As I get older, and ripen as I grow as a writer, I see this is true.  And I think in the balance of these two (three?) forms, I have found my own solution to the potential for writer’s block.


Publication so far this year:

See the below list of links for poetry and short fiction I have published this year.


New Reading Horizons

After the most recent Harlan Coben thriller (Think Twice) I think I will re-read one of my all-time favorites: Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Blog 123; Harlan Coben Thinks Twice

In his latest Myron Bolitar installment, I believe that Harlan Coben has reached new heights as an author of suspense/mystery fiction. One thing that always kept me from being “all in” with his writing and novels was the general “clunkiness” of the prose, and a certain ham-handedness that betrayed a lack of fully developed writing style. Some people find that kind of clunk writing endearing, or even relatable, but I prefer my pop Grisham with a dash of classic Hemingway, thank you. And this is what I got with Think Twice. As a reader, I can really appreciate the care and extra time Coben put into the artful crafting of the novel and its key characters. You can tell, unlike with some other suspense authors, that Coben really feels for his characters, even the minor ones. Even from the serial killer’s point of view. He paints the killer as a sadly doomed kind of adrenaline addict who can’t stop the killing, despite best efforts. It is a poignant reminder that the author sees his characters as real, oftentimes frail, people. And this warmth and compassion comes across in a story that is propelled by heart. Good guys, bad guys, regular guys and gals. Makes no difference. Harlan Coben is fast becoming that rare breed of author who started out in the trenches of the mass market world only to find himself a creative author out to break your heart. I won’t give away any spoilers in this review, but suffice it to say Coben pulls away from some potentially devastating punches at the very ending to my dismay. Compassionate, yes. But there are a few heart-stopping scenes toward the end where everything slows down and is on the line and then the book becomes a study in premeditated violence, a tense, edge of your seat, true blue thriller. I wanted to say this is his best work yet, and it is close, but I am not totally sure after the overall ending. I can think of a few other novels that had stronger plotting even if lighter character development. But as an accomplished literary artist, Harlan Coben has raised the bar for everyone and is reaching the height of his powers thusfar. I believe in time, his novels may end up with an even longer shelf life than anyone would be able to predict in today’s rough and tumble fiction market. An old friend in the writing world with a philosophical bent once told me: “The excellent becomes the permanent.” I believe with Think Twice, Harlan Coben has crossed into the realm of the truly excellent creative artist with heart.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Blog 122; Publication Update; Two Poems in Poetry for Mental Health; Upcoming article and fiction story in SwimSwam

 I have two poems recently published on mental health-related themes, in Poetry for Mental Health, and my final article on recovering from heart disease is upcoming in SwimSwam.  Also, in November, be ready for an extra-special fictional story in SwimSwam set in a fictional future Olympic Games.

Take care,


Friday, September 13, 2024

Blog #121; Free Digital Swimming Themed Book and Other Give-Aways, Sept. 15 through 17!

 For those of you readers who have not dipped into (pun intended) my swimming stories yet, I am offering free copies of the Swimming Among the Olympians collection I wrote a while back.  A mixture of both fiction and factual writing, it is sure to entertain those of us who at one time or another have made a home of the pool!

Also, don't forget my debut novel, In Love and War, which so far has been getting great reviews.  A bitter-sweet heartwarmer!  It is going to be given away at the same time.

Finally, Physician, Heal Thyself, my best collection of short stories so far, has been getting some great positive attention in the Mormon book review community out here in Utah!   The subject of the Covid vacs has caused a dust-up, to say the least. I am also giving that one away, same days as the others.

Those of you who have followed my writing career are familiar with my close association with SwimSwam, the publication of record for all things about competitive swimming.  Well, soon, I will announce it here first, my culminating update of my recovery from heart disease and my triumphant (kind of) return to the pool, will soon appear in SwimSwam to close out a long and fruitful series.

Also, something quite unusual and exciting in the works for later on in November of this year.  A rare fictional story especially for SwimSwam readers.  More on that as it develops!

Take care, keep your head above water, and read on!


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Blog #120; Olympic Swimming Book (digital) discounted price for a LIMITED TIME

 LET THE GAMES BEGIN!  Now that the 2024 Paris Olympics have officially begun, let me encourage you to buy my collection of short stories put out a while ago, based on an essay about my time training with Olympic swimmers leading up to the 1984 games in LA.  I didn’t qualify for the Olympic team, but had a lot of fun training and making friends with the swimmers at the University of Florida that year.  The lead essay gives an insider’s look into what it is like to swim on that level, where every day your performance is pushed beyond maximum.


I can’t make the digital copies of this book of stories mostly related to competitive swimming free like I'd like to,  or any price lower than .99 cents per copy, but if I could I would give them away for free as I sometimes have in the past.  Still, less than a dollar a copy isn’t asking much for a solid set of stories about swimming in this season of Olympic competition.


Also, if you just want a taste of my swimming-related writing, try this link to an article I had in SwimSwam that eventually made it into the book, “Swimming Among the Olympians”.  Click below to go to that essay.


And to get the digital book for .99, go to the following link—


Keep checking back for new chapters of James R. Irish-American Civil War story, and as I continue to publish poetry, fiction and nonfiction, I will let you know...

Enjoy the Paris games, and keep swimming!